Re. Salary Hold for Mr. [NAME] in the Case no. [xx/xx] of the Company
Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [NAME], this letter serves as a salary hold notification for the bank. The bank is requested to hold the salary of [NAME] on the account of case no. [xxx/xx] justifies in the below-given explanation. The salary would be payable pending amount and shall be kept withheld until further notification by the company. Moreover, all the other dealings of the bank with the negligent reminiscing the company’s rules, Mr. [NAME], can proceed on an ordinary basis.
There are certain bars for which an employee is precluded otherwise strict actions can be taken. Mr. [NAME] has been part of a union errant and deviant in nature in various ways. Many of the particulars of the union are not describable, that is why, to keep the brevity of the notice, the reason has been revealed.
Employee Regularization Ordinance (ERO) principally under the Company Act 1960 clearly states that an employee is not permitted to contribute in any of the activities of the unions like the one mentioned. Moreover, any alliance to the violent groups or rebellious powers shall result in reprimand and further, in an ultimate notice of termination from the company that can be immediately effective.
The salary hold is a kind of punitive action that the company has taken to reprimand the defiant action done by [NAME]. Hence, all the other transactions can proceed without any halt. In case of any query, please write to me at [EMAIL]. Thanks.

Re. Salary Hold Letter
Dear [NAME],
The letter is regarding holding the salary of Mr. [NAME] who has been excessively careless, negligent, and absent from the work. The decision has been taken by the [BODY OF DECISION MAKING].
Often this practice is not exercised by the [COMPANY] but the people who are not showing up regularly and have been dishonest with the work need some practical reprimand. [NAME] has been very late at work frequently and has been excessively absent from the office without informing any of the supervising authorities. Moreover, he pays no heed to any of the written notification or verbal reprimands as he keeps on the same tack.
To take punitive measures and give a practical reprimand, the [DECISION-MAKING BODY] decided to hold his salary for one month. He will be paid his salary after one and half months of the date of payment. No reductions have been ordered in the salary yet, but you will be informed in case of any alteration in the decision. However, all other transactions should be made on time accordingly without bearing any influence of this refraction.
In case of any assertion from the accused, you are requested to relay him to the company. In case of any query, I will be glad to respond to you. You can write to me at [EMAIL] or call the [ANOTHER DESIGNATION IN CHARGE] at [PHONE]. Thank you.